So, Sony claimed to be hacked and the victim of many leaks and cyber threats. The FBI takes a look into this and blames N. Korea for ther hack. Why? Apparently the threats revolved around the movie "The Interview" about an assassination of he N.Korean president Kim Jong Un, and they weren't happy. So, pull they pull the movie. Oh the people of USA aren't so happy. Free speech is threatened. Pres. Obama says Sony made a mistake. Days later,Sony says it will release the film in limited cities after all. Victory for free speech and all USA...a movie that was panned by critics is released.
Sound familiar? It should...
Greatest marketing gimmick around - bait and switch. Coke tried New Coke, got so many complaints they brought back Classic Coke = increased sales. Hostess goes bankrupt, no Twinkies. All of a sudden, new bakery returns Hostess Twinkies back = skyrocketing sales.
Sony has learned from previous corporate examples.
Guess what will be the number one movie now, people!!!